As we unhook ourselves from thousands of years worth of deeply ingrained and predictably patterned ways of existing, we may now be newly aware of the uncomfortable subconscious drive to derive our sense of meaning and reality by looking for someone else to tell us what to do, what to believe or how to act. We have been “conditioned” to live in this way, and this is our chance from the Universe to break free from old, outdated ways of life that were originally built from the fear of not having control. To become aware of this will inevitably stir up a lot of deeply buried emotions in our collective (un)consciousness.
The real opportunity here is to shed the painful layers of oppression we have experienced and begin to redefine our reality and sense of safety/security. We do this by understanding that we are each responsible for giving these things to ourselves. We cannot outsource this power to people outside of us any longer. What we once thought was “control” over our lives was simply an illusion, and there’s no going back now. We can’t “unsee” what the Universe is showing us, as every single flaw and corruption continues to be exposed one by one.
This is the soul work of our current times, and it is hard. It is exhausting. It is trying, even for those “strongest” in mind, body and soul. What we all share in common is that we are being yanked down into the human condition at this time. Yanked down into our bodies to feel every single bump, scratch and pang along the way. We all feeling pain, fear, panic, anxiety, existential dread and fear of the unknown. This is for a reason — it is coming up for us to begin to heal these wounds. To do what no generation or group of ancestors before us were given the opportunity to do. To acknowledge and feel into the suffering of humankind and allow it to break our hearts open. To pour the newly cultivated love from our hearts unabashedly into the new foundation we rebuild our world upon. To remember that our diversity is a gift, and it gives life flavor and artistic beauty. To continue to choose love over fear. To become whole sovereign human beings looking for raw, true connection instead of control over and completion from another being. Control is what we seek when we suppress our fear of the unknown; and yet, here we are with no control and no idea what the future holds. Will we choose to keep pursuing illusionary control, or will we start pursuing our unlimited potential to build heaven on Earth?