Reimagining What’s Possible
In many ways, we are being ushered into a new portal of consciousness this week – although, a quick glance at global events certainly cautions against propelling ourselves toward blind faith and unrealistic optimism as the calendar year refreshes itself. The week begins with Jupiter changing signs, making the temptation to slip into alternate universes almost irresistible. Our task will be to balance the energies of realistic acceptance with increased hope.
Jupiter returns to its traditional home of Pisces on December 28 at 10:09pm CT. This transit typically signals a time of enhanced spiritual connection, higher levels of faith, mysteriously magical experiences and increased luck. Considering the state of our world, however, it becomes obvious how easy it would be to rely on Jupiter too heavily and subsequently overdo it, which carries the potential to produce dire consequences. It’s important to keep in mind that while Jupiter may have exited Aquarius, the desperate need for community care remains, highlighted specifically by Saturn still being in the sign of Aquarius.
The middle of the week may prove to be intense due to three major aspects occurring. The Sun squares Chiron, urging us to address any painful issues that arise related to creative self-expression, boundaries or family matters. Secondly, Mars will sextile Saturn which asks us to determine the best course of action in the long-term rather than opting for instant gratification. And lastly, Mercury conjuncts Venus retrograde which almost certainly promises to interject a confusing, difficult and/or repeat conversation into the mix. This is a day to be gentle with yourself, stay true to your values and try to communicate as clearly as possible to avoid potential drama.
After gathering information from Venus retrograde, Mercury will move on to conjunct Pluto on Thursday which means we are likely not going to get out of this tough spot easily. Whatever hard conversations are in front of us are necessary to have as Pluto helps us dig to the bottom and rip up the roots. The purpose of Pluto is to transform so be prepared to change your mind (within reason!) or see a new perspective. On the other hand, it is entirely possible that you may feel a deeper confidence in your initial intuitive sense about a person or situation as Venus retrograde works to remove those rose-colored glasses.
The first day of the new year brings a trine between the Sun and Uranus that can boost the visceral sense that we have been reborn into a fresh year with fresh possibilities. Given the gravity of current events, it seems the Sun in Capricorn is gathering support from Uranus in Taurus to inspire us to focus on building sustainable practices that are unlike what we have done the past. The urge to break free from formerly “normal” standards when building new systems can strengthen under this energy.
On Sunday Mercury enters Aquarius on the same day as the first lunation of 2022 occurs with a Capricorn New Moon. Mercury’s entrance into Aquarius tells us that the next retrograde is just around the corner (January 14), so pay attention to what area of your chart is activated with this ingress as you will undoubtedly come back to it in a few weeks. Generally, Mercury in Aquarius will ask us to care less about what everyone else is doing and instead focus on what we are contributing to our community and society at large. Are we happy with the way we are expressing ourselves? Are we communicating our highest hopes for the future through our actions? Are our words and actions aligned? What level of effort are we putting into community care?
The Capricorn New Moon, also on Sunday, closely aspects Uranus, creating a ripple effect of change while we hibernate under the dark moon. When Uranus is involved, there is an air of restless revolution simmering beneath the surface, waiting to make itself known. The energy of this New Moon feels like the calm before a thunderstorm. (Check the houses in your chart ruled by Capricorn and Taurus for more information about how this applies to you.) The other notable aspect of this New Moon is the square to Chiron in Aries, which can bring an old wound to the surface. This time, though, Uranus is there to help us break free from the past and the emotional chains that bind us.
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