If you’ve been the victim of Mercury’s latest retrograde shenanigans, you’ll be happy to know that this week starts off with Mercury finally stationing direct in Libra! Not only that, but Jupiter stations direct in Aquarius on the same day. For some, this can mark a time when brain fog and existential dread loosen their grip in favor of a sense of spiritual connection and, soon enough, mental clarity.
Also on Monday, Mars and Jupiter meet in a harmonious trine, immediately activating a cerebral sense of drive and ambition to start charging ahead toward our hopes and dreams for the future. It is advisable to move gently and seek to balance “doing” with “being” as much as possible as Mars finishes the journey through Libra.
Mercury opposing Chiron during Monday’s otherwise forward movement points to potentially healing conversations, thoughts or announcements. It may be helpful to reflect on the prominent themes and experiences Mercury retrograde brought us, to further understand what it is trying to help us to heal. Look at your chart to see which houses this aspect plays out in for more clues.
A release point comes in hot mid-week as an Aries Full Moon blazes its way across the sky. In Aries, the Moon’s emotional nature expresses itself through inspiration, drive, impulse and anger. An Aries Full Moon asks us to focus on caring for the self. Unmet needs and repressed anger will light up our consciousness around this time, putting us back in touch with our primal nature.
Lending a hand to this effort is Mars in Libra, standing opposite to this Full Moon, ready to activate our emotional instincts – especially within the container of relationships. Also notable is this Full Moon’s square to Pluto, promising to unearth feelings and desires we thought we had moved past or successfully suppressed. A sextile to Jupiter marks the last important aspect of this lunation, which can support the overall effort of soul expansion – but not without the potentially explosive burst of awareness needed to advance us to the next level of consciousness.
On Friday Scorpio Season begins at 9:51 pm PT / 11:51 pm CT / 12:51 am ET. A big Happy Birthday to our Scorpio friends!! In general, this time signifies our collective need to travel deeper into the subtle and mystical realms of intuition, secrets, taboo and desire. Journeying into the underworld of our soul and interpreting messages from our subconscious mind are key themes of Scorpio Season. As we enter the season of Fixed Water, we can set ourselves up for success by seeking therapeutic experiences for the totality of our mind-body-spirit system. Get that tarot reading, book an astrology reading, talk to a therapist. Do the things that help you get in touch with your deepest inner knowing.
A Mars-Pluto square to kick off Scorpio Season seems all too appropriate. Just like the Aries Full Moon, this transit can highlight any frustrations or anger that usually lays dormant. However, it can also be a time of heightened physical strength and passion. Practice being your own energetic alchemist, and experiment with turning your emotions into fuel.
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