The conceptual understanding of our relationship with a higher power is typically (subconsciously) modeled after our relationship with our parental figures. When we were “good” and abiding by our parent’s rules, we were “rewarded” in some way – maybe with material goods or maybe with belonging.
If we are not careful, we can spend a great deal of time and energy as adults trying to figure out what intuitive skills or spiritual gifts we need to activate in order to be in right relationship with the Universe. The truth is this: fine tuning our intuitive skills and spiritual gifts is only helpful if it leads us deeper into our own heart. It is from the heart that all goodness flows. It is from the heart that we find the sustainable courage to discontinue the search for worth and instead step into our highest self.
When we are trying to figure out how to be “good” or “right”, we are existing in the dimension of our confused and scared child-self. We can begin to heal this dynamic by viewing our parents as fellow imperfect human beings on a healing journey of their own.